Thursday, 16 July 2009

We didn'y talk since a very long time

I know We didn’t talk since a very long time

Actually I know that all of you waiting the tips of Testing as I told u before, here you are the tips:

Today’s session is How to be Testing Expert...

By “expert tester” I mean any
of the following…

  1. Someone who’s very good at testing.

  2. Someone who’s considered to be an expert

Testing is the infinite process of comparing the invisible to the ambiguous so as to avoid the unthinkable happening to the anonymous

In other words, perfect testing is a challenge.

A more tractable definition…

Testing is questioning a product in order to evaluate it.

What’s Special About Testing
1- There are few people around to teach you how to test.
2- Most of what is taught as “testing” is unreliable or misleading folklore.
3- Testing is a complex problem-solving activity.
4- Learning testing on your own doesn’t cost you much,you don’t need anyone’s permission, and it generally poses no threat to life or property.
- It’s hard to know if you are doing it well.
- Good testing varies quite a lot with the context

Some Cool Things That
Experts Have and Do

Experts have…
– Situational awareness
– Confidence in confusion
– Colleague network
– Trained reflexes
– Awareness of limitations
– Diverse experiences
– Relevant knowledge
– Mental models for problem-solving
– Reputation

Experts do…
– Avoid traps and dead ends
– Systematic inquiry
– Confront authority and convention
– Self-training and retraining
– Self-criticism
– Pattern matching on experience
– Coherent explanations
– Justify methodology
– Write, speak, teach

Finally My Advice to New Experts

- Practice, practice, practice!
- Don’t confuse experience with expertise.
-Don’t trust folklore— but learn it anyway.
-Take nothing on faith. Own your methodology.
-Drive your own education– no one else will.
-Reputation = Money. Build and protect your reputation.
-Relentlessly gather resources, materials, and tools
-Avoid certifications that trivialize the testing craft.
-Associate with demanding colleagues.
-Write, speak, and always tell the truth as you see it.